Entertainment - Features - Kenny The Bodyguard

CashFlow-Harlem- Brings "Rich Thoughts Poor Habits" & More!
By: Lisa Ward
New York City has produced some of the most influential hip hop artist’s in the world, but only a few have the power to maintain longevity in this unpredictable thing we call hip hop entertainment. CashFlow has gotten the respect of many historical hip hop entertainers and DJ’s. They say you become a great writer when you have been hurt or lose someone in your life. We as parents and adults never want to see our children face death at an early age, but sometimes that is the path to their greatness. CashFlow was faced with that when he lost his best friend to street violence on top of other tragic things in his life. He decided it was time to write. CashFlow was a part of a TNT television special at a young age where the producer noticed his potential and asked CashFlow what he wanted to do with his life. He told the producer he wanted to do something that would help everyone in the world. The producer, along with every person who has come in contact with CashFlow, saw the star quality in him. CashFlow is one who truly understands the history of hip hop, from the music to the fashion. He is not here to be a one hit wonder. He is shooting for longevity and making history. A lot of artists get into this business of entertainment for selfish reason, but not CashFlow. He is about bringing more momentum to the world of hip hop, and he is taking his community with him. CashFlow is here to give us the one on one inside scoop of what is to come from CashFlow.
SM: So, welcome CashFlow. Thank you for stopping in with us and giving us the exclusive interview. So, how have you been and do you have a lot of great things to tell us?
CashFlow: I am doing great, just working hard and yes I do.
SM: So, CashFlow when did you fall in love with hip hop and what does hip hop mean to you?
CashFlow: The first time I heard a NAS record I was hooked. Hip Hop to me is just about expression. Hip Hop, has so many different styles, but I’m comfortable in my lane. If anybody is feeling what I’m doing, I definitely appreciate that support. I speak about what I’ve seen, heard or what I’ve actually went through or going through. That’s hip hop.
SM: CashFlow, a lot of artists today don’t understand what hip hop is really about. Hip hop is a culture and the music has meaning behind them, or a lesson within them. You seem to keep that part of hip hop alive within your music and life style, can you tell us why that is?
CashFlow: My influences were before Chief Keef, LiL Wayne and today’s artist. I’m not bashing them or that type of rap because it’s relevant. If it has an audience and people are buying it, it’s relevant, but I actually listened to Biggie, Nas and Jay-Z albums. As far as lessons, music doesn’t always have to have a message, music is supposed to make you feel a certain way and message is not always needed.
SM: I think that hip hop is lost to some point, but when I listen to your lyrical content and style you give me that hope again. Why is lyrical content so important in your music today and why have you made that a major point in your music?
CashFlow: Most of my influences in the music I listened to growing up had that lyrical content. I don’t strive to be overly lyrical. I just put my verses together just how I speak and feel. I’m just speaking about real topics out here.
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