“We’re always looking for fresh ideas the only thing is, it can’t be lame. If you’re lame, you should probably stop reading right now. Seriously.
We run a new theme every 3 months and would love to see what you come up with.”
Here’s what you need to know:
Submit your editorials to Secdumsociety@gmail.com
Submissions must be sent in PDF format including full credits (fashion & team credits) at the end, beginning of document, or throughout.
Please put the type of submission in your subject line (women’s fashion editorial, men’s fashion editorial, beauty editorial, and still life) and the season you are submitting).
Carefully read through the submission guidelines. This is very important because the very fabric of the cosmos might unravel if you don’t. Also, it helps to keep things consistent. Also, our Repro guy is on his very last nerve and might just end us. Please don’t make us sedate him again. Images need to be exported 2000 pixels (long edge) and saved for web. Please retouch and treat your stories – you are also welcome to supply layout notes, but whatever you do, DO NOT add text, watermarks, or send final layouts. That Repro guy is really cranky.
You should also consider story credits, like so:
Photography by [Name]
Styling by [Name]
Art direction by [Name]*
Make-up by [Name]
Hair by [Name]*
Assisted by [Name]*
*If applicable
Then there are the styling credits – please credit each look like so:
[Model’s name] wears [garment] by [Retailer/
Designer, price]
Make sure to include URLs to retailers/designers’ sites so we can hyperlink. Everybody likes to know where their stuff pops up on the interwebs.
Make sure that names and URLs are spelled correctly. It’s super annoying when you can’t google yourself because your name is spelt wrong. We can provide you with a sourcing letter, but we’d prefer to only do that with people we’ve worked with before. Why? Because maybe you’re a sticky-fingered no-no and we’re not going to bankroll your extended shopping spree. That’s your rep homes.
Shoot something cool. Make it original. Make sure it suits the theme and let’s make this an exclusive, ok? That means keep it the hell off your blog/portfolio/Behance/Facebook/
Youtube/Soundcloud until it’s published. After that, go buck wild.
You can submit the following:
Send us a low-res preview (no larger than 2MB). If we like it, we’ll request spec size and run the story.
IMPORTANT: Deadlines are real. Stick to them and they won’t bite you in the ass. If we don’t have your work by the deadline, we can’t run it. We just don’t have the power to turn back time.
Repeat steps 1 through 4. Wow, you’re famous! Done. For. Life.
Boring Stuff to Keep in Mind
Secdum Magazine [a division of Secdum Productions cc] reserves the right to final editorial selections; including title, layout and treatment. All information, including credits, captions and hyperlinks are considered to be correct at time of publishing.
Contributors understand that submissions are done freely and subject to editorial consideration. No remuneration will be considered for published work and Secdum Magazine will not be liable for costs incurred in individual production.
Contributions when you submit any contribution to Secdum Magazine you are giving the magazine permission to reproduce, edit, publish and distribute this work to the public, as well as to integrate your content into other works.
STYLE that is EVERLASTING and CREATIVE, which sparks DETERMINATION within our UNIQUE individual MEMBERS

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