Deysha Nelson Is a child prodigy & Our youngest Dream Warrior ever. You name it, she can do it
By: Dr. Tameka "Doc" Wright
Greetings to all of you. We have for you today a young lady who has what it takes to be a star. She is self-motivated, hardworking and determined. She does a lot of different things and we will soon find out what they are. You will be surprised and amazed at what she has to offer the world. We met her at an event where she was interviewing people in the industry and she was amazing. I had to reach out to her and get her in for an interview with us. I would like to introduce Deysha Nelson to you.
Deysha tell us your age and a little bit about yourself?
Answer: I am 8 yrs old and I am a model, an actress and a clothing designer; I also do some singing and dancing.
You also have a twin sister, what does she do in the business?
Answer: Yes my sister is Deyahna and she is my mini-manager and helps me get ready for shows and other things. She also likes to get a percentage of my pay, lol.
You have a clothing line; tell us the name of it and what inspired you to create it?
Answer: The name of my clothing line is Almond Eyez Designs and I started drawing dresses that I could imagine in my mind. Then, at 5, my mom found a seamstress who makes what I draw. Then I debuted my clothing line when I was 6 during New York Fashion week for Ms. Butterfli’s show Fachion Bloc.
What is it like to see your clothing on models?
Answer: I love it and it feels really awesome. I like picking my models and then deciding which piece they will wear and what jewelry they will wear, and I feel like I am an inspiration to them.
We see that you are an actress as well. Which do you enjoy the most, working with your clothing line or acting?
Answer: I like both because they’re different but I like acting because I get to pretend to be someone else.
You model as well. What is it like to walk the runway?
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#Deysha Nelson
STYLE that is EVERLASTING and CREATIVE, which sparks DETERMINATION within our UNIQUE individual MEMBERS

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